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----  2015年第4届信息与知识管理国际学术会议ICIKM-7月-上海[原创]  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=64&rootid=&id=128631)

--  作者:chenxue11
--  发布时间:3/13/2015 9:56:00 AM

--  2015年第4届信息与知识管理国际学术会议ICIKM-7月-上海[原创]

时间:2015.07.29-30              地点:中国,上海
2015 4th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ICIKM 2015)

第二轮截稿日期: 2015-04-10
Submitted papers can be selected and published into one of the following Journals:
• International Journal of Knowledge Engineering which will be indexed by DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, Crossref and ProQuest
•Journal of Advances in Information Technology  (ISSN:1798-2340)
Abstracting/Indexing: INSPEC; EBSCO; ULRICH's Periodicals Directory; WorldCat; CrossRef; Genamics Journal Seek; Google Scholar; Ovid Link Solver; etc.

Data Management   数据管理
Benchmarking and performance evaluation  基准管理与性能评估
Data exchange and integration  数据交换与集成
Data quality, cleaning and lineage  数据质量、清洁与血统
Database monitoring and tuning  数据库健康与调整
Data privacy and security  数据隐私与安全
Data warehousing and mining  数据仓库与挖掘
Embedded, sensor, mobile databases and applications  嵌入式、传感器、移动数据库及应用
Metadata management  元数据管理
Multilingual data management  多语言数据管理
Multimedia data management and mining  多媒体数据管理与挖掘
Parallel and distributed databases  并行与分布式数据库
Access methods and indexing  访问方法与索引
Authorization, privacy and security  授权、隐私与安全
Concurrency control and recovery  并发控制与恢复
Database languages and models 数据库语言与模型
Mobile databases and ubiquitous data management  移动数据库与普遍存在的数据管理
Peer to peer, parallel and distributed databases  对等、并行与分布式数据库
Information Retrieval  信息检索
Knowledge Management  知识管理
Classification and clustering  分类与聚类
Data/information extraction and integration  数据信息提取与集成
Data mining applications  数据挖掘应用程序
Knowledge management and synthesis  知识管理与合成
Novel data mining algorithms  新的数据挖掘算法
Security and privacy issues  安全与隐私问题
Semantic Integration  语义集成
Knowledge Management Processes  知识管理流程
更多会议主题: http://www.icikm.org/cfp.html

Electronic Submission System; ( .pdf)

Ms. Yoyo Yang
E-mail: icikm@iacsit.org
Tel: +1-518-478-2659

--  作者:chenxue11
--  发布时间:4/16/2015 2:03:00 PM

第三轮截稿日期: 2015-05-15
Submitted papers can be selected and published into one of the following Journals:
• International Journal of Knowledge Engineering which will be indexed by DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, Crossref and ProQuest
•Journal of Advances in Information Technology  (ISSN:1798-2340)
Abstracting/Indexing: INSPEC; EBSCO; ULRICH's Periodicals Directory; WorldCat; CrossRef; Genamics Journal Seek; Google Scholar; Ovid Link Solver; etc.

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