以文本方式查看主题 - 中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp) -- 『 软件工程论坛 』 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=48) ---- Call for Papers: DSADR 2008 (Domain Specific Analysis and Design for Reuse) Workshop held in conjunction with ICSR 2008 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=48&rootid=&id=57712) |
-- 作者:jiachong -- 发布时间:1/4/2008 4:56:00 PM -- Call for Papers: DSADR 2008 (Domain Specific Analysis and Design for Reuse) Workshop held in conjunction with ICSR 2008 Call for Papers: DSADR 2008 (Domain Specific Analysis and Design for Reuse) Workshop held in conjunction with ICSR 2008 10th International Conference on Software Reuse, May 25-29, 2008 in Beijing, China http://www.se.fudan.sh.cn/DSADR2008.htm Software reuse is a promising and attractive concept for improving software productivity, quality and time to market. However, a series of problems will often be encountered when considering reuse in a completely general context, including incompatible variability assumption, architecture mismatch, inability for more specific problem, etc. So a more promising way is to practice reuse based product development within specific domain in a prescribed way, as in the area of domain engineering and software product line. Reuse oriented analysis and design is the premise of successful reuse based development within specific domain. Problems to be solved include commonality and variability analysis, domain model, domain specific architecture design and description, design for variability, DSL (domain specific language), etc. DSADR 2008 is the first time to be held in conjunction with ICSR, to bring together interested practitioners and researchers to exchange ideas and experiences, and discuss current and emerging practices. The workshop will be organized as a half-day event, including a series of presentations and discussions on relate issues. DSADR 2008 seeks contributions from researchers and practitioners interested in all aspects of analysis and design for domain specific software reuse. To this end, we solicit research papers related to, but not limited to, the following principal topics: * domain analysis and modeling * domain specific software architecture * domain specific reuse repository * variability analysis and implementation * DSL (domain specific language) * tools for domain specific reuse * experience report on domain specific reuse * other topics on domain specific reuse Submission Publication Keynote Speech Organizers Program Committee Important Dates For other detailed information, please contact: |
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