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-- 作者:hjx_221 -- 发布时间:12/31/2009 4:00:00 PM -- 英语中约会的不同说法 英语中约会的不同说法 在美国,约会有很多种类,女孩子也可能同时跟好几个男孩子约会(貌似在中国的一些大城市也差不多哦),并且处于不同的关系会有不同的说法,这与我们中国的文化有太多的差异。这里我们给大家总结了一些约会与情侣关系间说法。 Date 和 go out 都可以表示异性朋友(尤其是有感情或是暧昧关系的)之间的约会,我们来看几个例子,体会一下用法: I dated him when I was in college. I've only had one date with him so far. We're going on a date this Saturday night. Would you like to go out together sometime? 2、约会的种类 Kinds of dates 约会当然也有好几种啦,快看看都有什么呢: Blind date: two people have never met before (often arranged by friends) Double date: where couples get together to do something Hot date: date someone very attractive or used playfully for a date with a friend or spouse Going Dutch: date where each person pays his or her share 3、处于恋爱关系中 当一对男女处于恋爱关系中时,该怎样描述呢: They are in a relationship. Is she seeing anyone now? I think we are going steady. See someone 和 go steady 都表示“长期和某人约会,处于恋爱关系中”。 4、“天生一对”的伴侣 看到一对幸福的伴侣,你心里一定会想到“天生一对”这样的词吧,那这样的表达用英语该怎么说呢: They were made for each other. Aren't they the perfect couple? They are a match made in heaven. I think they are good together. 5、夫妻关系 如果两个人成为夫妻,或是结成了长期稳定的伴侣关系,又该怎样描述呢: A couple: two people dating exclusively 例如:They are really nice couple. An item: a couple who is the topic of gossip or interest. 例如:So are you two an item now? Sweet heart: girl friend or boyfriend; implies a sweet relationship 例如:He married his high school sweet heart. Lovers: a couple who show their affection openly 例如:Those two lovers just got married last month. 6、露水姻缘 都说情和性可以分开,只是为了一时的寻欢作乐发生的情事也不少,像这样的事情我们用下面的词来形容: Love affair 例如:He had a love affair with a French girl when he was studying in France. |
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