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----  [下载]Delphi CLX SVG-Viewer 0.1  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=21&rootid=&id=14807)

--  发布时间:2/26/2005 11:59:00 AM

--  [下载]Delphi CLX SVG-Viewer 0.1
Delphi CLX SVG-Viewer 0.1


Delphi CLX SVG-Viewer 0.1
The program shows a component for the delphi6-CLX platform, which is able to display SVG-Graphics (*.svg). the svg-viewer uses the OpenGL-API for displaying the graphics. up to know the viewer supports only a few keywords ( like path, tspan, g , ... ). features: - handle 5 svg-files at the same time - zoom in & zoom out - save and print current pictures

File name: Delphi CLX SVG-Viewer 0.1
Product homepage: Product homepage
Order page: Unknown
Language: Delphi 6, Kylix
Platform: Windows 2000-95-98-NT-XP
Release Date: 3/6/2004
File type: Beta Version
Size: 495 KBytes
Price/fee (US$): 0.00$
Number of downloads: 711


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