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    >> It is the theory that decides what can be observed. - Albert Einstein
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     * 贴子主题: 计算机博士全奖 (Univ. of Kentucky) 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     葛靖青001 美女呀,离线,快来找我吧!水瓶座1984-2-14

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    发贴心情 计算机博士全奖 (Univ. of Kentucky)

    - RA positions open now (any time Fall 2010 through Fall 2011) for Ph.D.  
    students at University of Kentucky, Computer Science
    - Research field: database management
    - Preferred background: computer science, mathematics, or physics.
    - Please email resume, main courses and GPA, GRE score, and TOFEL score to  
    hui.hui2010@hotmail.com. (Scores will be officially verified upon admission.)
    Admission to Fall 2010 is available if all materials submitted asap.
    Univ. of Kentucky is Tier one university, locates at Lexington, KY with low  
    residential cost, higher education residents, and higher life quality.

    PS : 明年一月份可以入学,详情请咨询:hui.hui2010@hotmail.com

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