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     * 贴子主题: 教你如何写简历 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     hjx_221 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    发贴心情 教你如何写简历

    Whether you're switching jobs or newly plunging into the real world, you're going to need a resume that helps you rise above your competing job applicants. Learn how to craft a resume that will be sure to get you an interview.
    You will need 你将需要
    1 word processor
    1 laser printer
    1 quality resume paper
    1 friend to proofread
    Step 1: Contact 联系方式
    List your contact information, starting with your name, home address, telephone number, and e-mail.
    Step 2: State Objectives 求职意向
    These are your objectives for employment. More simply, say what kind of career you're seeking.
    Step 3: Write Your Work History 写工作经历
    Create a section on your resume to list your work experiences in reverse chronological history, giving dates, company name, occupation, and brief description of responsibilities. Use an active tense, writing in first person, with the I/Me/Mine's removed. Don't say “I supervised a cast of thousands…” Say, “Supervised cast of thousands…”
    Step 4: List Education 罗列教育状况
    List your educational background, training courses, and any accolades received on your resume. Tell them about professional skills you have such as word processing or creating spreadsheets.
    Step 5: No Jibber Jabber 清晰简明
    A resume should be tightly written - no flowery extra words. Keep the resume “clean” looking. Keep some “white space” and avoid using multiple fonts.
    Step 6: Proofread Your Resume 校对你的简历
    Before you send the resume, have someone proofread your resume to check grammar, spelling, and overall style. Find someone who you can trust to offer honest, constructive criticism. Revise.
    Step 7: Print And Send 打印和投递
    Print your resume with a laser printer with some high end paper.
    Seal it up along with a cover letter to introduce yourself, and drop it in the mail. Don't forget postage.

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