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    >> 本版讨论SVG, GML, X3D, VRML, VML, XAML, AVALON, Batik等基于XML的图形技术,以及有关GIS的应用。
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     * 贴子主题: [转帖]Adobe SVG via COM/ActiveX - Part 2 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     SCYANGYU 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?处女座1971-9-20

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    发贴心情 [转帖]Adobe SVG via COM/ActiveX - Part 2

    I made a fair amount of progress using SWT to embed the Adobe SVG ActiveX control. I have been working to provide a set of classes that implement the W3C SVG/DOM interfaces in java. When this is complete, the Batik SVG viewer and Adobe one could be used interchangeably in Java.

    SWT provides a set of classes for dealing with COM. They are not as comprehensive as some of the libraries that are available specifically for this purpose, but so far they do the job. The most complicated part is dealing with event callbacks. Here is the SWT example that helped me get started.

    Adobe does not support or document its COM interface (see here) when accessed directly, but it is not too difficult to access it since all of the methods match the SVG DOM, and IDispatch is used for all classes.

    So far I have been able to use my W3C java classes to manipulate the DOM, and receive events. When it is further along I'll post the source. I have almost all of the DOM, and SVG DOM classes wrapped.

    For an example of manipulating the SVG DOM and respoding to events in java, See here. The creation of an SVG viewer will vary from implementation to implementation, but the code that uses the W3C SVG DOM should be useable with Adobe (when I finish).


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