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    >> It is the theory that decides what can be observed. - Albert Einstein
    [返回] 中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区计算机理论与工程『 理论计算机科学 』 → CT&IT 2011 Call For Papers (All accepted papers will be published by SCIE, EI(JA) and inspec indexed journals.) 查看新帖用户列表

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     * 贴子主题: CT&IT 2011 Call For Papers (All accepted papers will be published by SCIE, EI(JA) and inspec indexed journals.) 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Semantic Web    
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    发贴心情 CT&IT 2011 Call For Papers (All accepted papers will be published by SCIE, EI(JA) and inspec indexed journals.)

    International Workshop on Computation Theory
    and Information Technology
    CT&IT 2011 - Macau, China
    2011 International Workshop on Computation Theory and Information Technology (CT&IT2011) will be held in Macau, China during Dec 1-2, 2011.
    In order to perform a rigorous study of computation, computer scientists work with a mathematical abstraction of computers called a model of computation. IT is the area of managing technology and spans wide variety of areas that include but are not limited to things such as processes, computer software, information systems, computer hardware, programming languages, and data constructs. IT professionals perform a variety of functions that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. CT&IT 2011 aims to provide a small-scale and high-level international forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent advances and new techniques in Computation Theory and Information Technology. Important Dates:
    Paper Due:
    Paper Submission: May 8, 2011
    Accepted/Rejected Notification: June 15, 2011
    Camera-ready papers due: June. 30, 2011
    Conference Date: Dec 1-2, 2011
    Only high quality papers can be accepted by PC of CT&IT2011. All accepted papers will be published by SCIE, EI(JA) and inspec indexed journals.
    • Information, An International Interdisciplinary Journal(SCI indexed) 40
    • Computers and Electrical Engineering (SCI indexed) 8
    • Journal of Computational Information System(EI indexed) 40
    • Journal of Convergence Information Technology (EI indexed) 40
    • International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (EI indexed) 40
    • International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (EI indexed) 40
    • Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (EI indexed) 40
    • Journal of Computers (EI indexed, pending) 10
    • Journal of Software (EI indexed, pending) 10
    • Information technology journal (EI indexed) 50

    We are pleased to invite authors to submit their papers to CT&IT2011, addressing issues that serve present and future development of the field.
    • Computer Science Fundament
    • Computer Software
    • Computer Hardware
    • Computer Application Technology
    • Computer Architecture
    • NLP and Machine Translation
    • Communication and Network
    • Information Security
    • Control Theory and Method
    • Information Processing
    • System Science and Engineering
    • AI and Robot
    • Knowledge Management and Engineering
    • Management Science and Technology
    • Management System
    • Information System and Decision Support System
    • Web Intelligence & Computational Intelligence
    • Information Theory
    • Learning Theory
    • Bioinformatics and Biological Computation
    • Intelligent Control
    • Image Processing
    • Multimedia & Signal Processing
    • E-Commerce, E-Services and E-Learning
    • Semantic Web

    Email: ctit2011@yeah.net
    QQ group No 75174293

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