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    >> 本版讨论SVG, GML, X3D, VRML, VML, XAML, AVALON, Batik等基于XML的图形技术,以及有关GIS的应用。
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     * 贴子主题: [转帖]Coexistance of SVG Viewer 2 and SVG Viewer 3 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     SCYANGYU 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?处女座1971-9-20

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    发贴心情 [转帖]Coexistance of SVG Viewer 2 and SVG Viewer 3

    Coexistance of SVG Viewer 2 and SVG Viewer 3

    As mentioned over the weekend, the installation script for SVG Viewer 3 Beta 1
    will remove SVG Viewer 2 and therefore break any COM applications that directly
    embed SVG Viewer 2.

    It does seem possible to have both SVG Viewer 3 and SVG Viewer 2 installed on
    the same machine. Only one will handle the "image/xml+svg" and related mime
    types, but COM applications can have either
    SVG Viewer 2 or SVG Viewer 3 depending on what component they added to their

    This may not be the only path, but it was worked for me. This fix is not
    appropriate for end users and does not eliminate the need to address the issue
    with the installation script.

    Step 1: Uninstall SVG Viewer 3 if installed
    Step 2: Install Acrobat Reader 5 (SVG Viewer 2 may also work, but not tested)
    Step 3: Copy the \windir\system32\Adobe\SVG Viewer directory to a safe location
    Step 4: Install SVG Viewer 3
    Step 5: Copy the files from step 3 back to \windir\system32\Adobe\SVG Viewer
    Step 6: regsvr32 "\windir\system32\adobe\SVG Viewer\svgcontrol.dll"
    Step 7: regsvr32 "\windir\system32\adobe\SVG Viewer 3.0\npsvg3.dll"

    Step 6 will cause SVG Viewer 2 to handle SVG mime types, step 7 reasserts SVG
    Viewer 3's handing of the SVG mime types. You can use the regsvr32 steps to
    switch between SVG Viewer's used by IE. If
    you don't have a copy of regsvr32, selecting the Project/Components menu item
    from VB 6 and browing to the file should do the same thing.

    From a COM perspective, the SVG Viewers look unrelated. If your project
    references "Adobe SVG Viewer Type Library 2.0", SVG Viewer 2 will be used, if
    you reference "SVGActiveX 3.0 Type Library", SVG
    Viewer 3 will be used.

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