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    >> 本版讨论SVG, GML, X3D, VRML, VML, XAML, AVALON, Batik等基于XML的图形技术,以及有关GIS的应用。
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     * 贴子主题: [推荐]EvolGrafiX XStudio 6.0 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     SCYANGYU 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?处女座1971-9-20

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    发贴心情 [推荐]EvolGrafiX XStudio 6.0

    EvolGrafiX XStudio 6.0

    Enter a new World of Desktop- Web- and Mobile-Publishing within seconds

    What is XStudio ?
    XStudio 6.0 is the latest release of the leading SVG Authoring Software. XStudio 6.0 continues with the tradition of a powerful, innovative and easy to use authoring environment for drawing, animating and scripting SVG Graphics.
    The XStudio Authoring Solution was the first Application for designing, animating and scripting SVG Graphics until nowadays and it was the first Solution to load and save SVG Files natively without the need for importing and exporting Svg Graphics.   


    All in one - nearly 100% compliance to the SVG-Specification
    Powerful design - Fast, innovative drawing and designing engine
    Easy to use - Innovative User Interface and powerful documentation
    Low Price - Prices for education and multi-licenses system
    Extendable - Can be customized for any use case
    Excellent SVG Support - Load large Files with ease
    Intuitive Drawing - Get into touch with new, innovative features
    Animations - All possible animations are supported
    Stylesheets - Full support for Stylesheets in SVG-Graphics
    Extended Text Support - Multline-Text, formatted Text and more


    Designers and Developers
    XStudio is the perfect application for all professional designers. XStudio is based completly on SVG which gives you many vector abilities that are still missing in some of nowadays available vector applications.
    You don't need any SVG-Specific knowledge, XStudio was made to be easy useable by everyone, no matter
    if developer or designer. XStudio keeps to the standards of vector drawing applications and extends them partly.   


    Benefits for both sides
    Fast drawing - The engine allows fast and smooth working
    Mighty Tools - Mighty Tools for designing like the powerful path tool
    Excellent SVG-Support - Nearly full support of the SVG-Specification.
    Animations - Animations are fully supported
    Interactivity - Full and extended Java/ECMAScript Support
    Compatibility - Almost all SVG Files are rendered
    Rendering - High quality rendering with fine antialiasing also on high zoom values.
    Code-Design-Dom - The DOM, Designer and the XML-Source Editor are fully synchronized
    Editing - Graphics can be modified within the designer, the DOM and the Code-Editor
    Java/ECMAScript Editor - Code-Editor with debugging capabilities
    Wide fill/stroke-support - None, Colors, Gradients and Patterns fully supported

    [此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-26 13:08:38编辑过]

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