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     * 贴子主题: 【2011-4-10】湖泊-湿地-流域生态保护与3S技术国际学术研讨学术会议【EI期刊出版)】 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 【2011-4-10】湖泊-湿地-流域生态保护与3S技术国际学术研讨学术会议【EI期刊出版)】

    2011 International Conference on Ecological Protection of Lakes-Wetlands-Watershed and Application of 3S Technology
    (EPLWW3S 2011)

    会议网站: eplww3s.org
    投稿系统: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eplww3s2011
    June 25-26 , 2011, Nanchang, China

    All EPLWW3S 2011 Accepted Papers will be published by  Advanced Materials Research Journal (ISSN: 1022-6680),Which will be indexed by EI Compendex and ISTP. All submitted papers should be written in English.

    EPLWW3S 2011将于2011年6月25-26日日在中国南昌召开。EPLWW3S 2011会议是由鄱阳湖湿地与流域研究教育部重点实验室,江西师范大学,国际智能信息学会联合主办。会议论文集将由瑞士TTP出版社http://www.ttp.net/  旗下国际期刊 Advanced Materials Research Journal (国际刊号 ISSN: ISSN: 1022-6680)出版。所有录用的论文将被[color=#FF0000]EI Compendex、ISTP[/color]以及其他检索机构检索.

    2011年4月10日         论文投稿截止日期
    2011年4月15日            录用通知发送日期
    2011年6月25-26日       会议召开日期

    标准价格:                             2600人民币(6页内)
    学生或IEEE会员:              2400人民币(6页内)
    同一作者第二篇论文:        1800人民币(6页内)

    会议网站: http://www.eplww3s.org
    投稿系统: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eplww3s2011
    Email: EPLWW3S@126.com
    Tel: +86 18970036904   Dr. Luo
    EPLWW3S 2011欢迎但不限于以下主题论文投稿.
    Topic One: Lake-wetland-watershed and Water environment    
    Water pollution strategies and control in Lake and Watershed
        Water environment monitoring, warning and testing methods, techniques and equipment
        Eutrophication control of deep water and shallow water (plateau, city, plain) in lakes
        Mechanism,warning,control of alga bloom in lakes
        Water pollution control of salt lake
        Ecological restoration process of dry salty lakes
    Topic Two: Integrated management and ecological protection of lake and watershed  
    Lake watershed water resources and socio-economic sustainable development
        Lake water quantity control, water quality improvement and water source protection technology
        Lake shrinkage, water quantity change and ecological degradation
        Ecosystem health of lakes and environment protection education
        Habitat and wetland ecological protection of birds, fish and other wildlife
        Impact of economic development model and comprehensive management of Lake and watershed
    Topic Third: pollution control of typical lakes in china                     
    (Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake,Tai Lake, Cao Lake, Dian Chi)
    Water pollution and control measures of  typical lakes in china  
        Water pollution and Blue alga control of typical lakes in china
    Protection and management of typical lakes in china 

    Topic Four: Ecological environment protection   
        Ecological protection and filed of restoration technology  
        Restoration and reconstruction technology of degraded ecosystem
        Ecological safety technology of major construction projects
        Ecological protection and industrial technology of restoration derivation
    Biodiversity conservation and construction technology of Nature Reserves

    Topic Five: Reduction of pollutant emission and regional environmental governance    
        Technologies for air cleaning  
         Sudden remediation of pollution area
         Solid (liquid) waste disposal and resource utilization
         Comprehensive environmental renovation of towns
         Pollution control of transportation ships
         Blocking pollution risk and risk assessment of environmental health
         Response measures to pollution emergency
    Topic Six: Ecological and environmental monitoring technologies      
         Technologies for environmental quality monitoring  
         Technologies for environmental emergency monitoring and early warning
         Technologies for ecological monitoring and evaluation
         Technologies for marine environment forecasting and early warning
         Technologies for meteorological numerical simulation and forecasting

    Topic Seven: environmental frontier technologies     
         New pollution control  
         New physicochemical and efficient biological treatment technologies
         New technologies and new materials for environmental protection industry  
         Water restoration technologies

    Topic Eight: Theory and technology of GIS      
         Geographic information sharing and GIS standardization  
         Development of GIS theory and technology
         Acquisition and integration of spatial data
         Analysis and modeling of space and time
         Space visualization, geo-computation, and virtual reality
         Spatial Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
         Construction of semantic network of geographical Space and spatial database
         Resource sharing and collaboration of geographic information based on grid service
    Topic Nine: Theory and technology of Remote sensing (RS)     
         Extraction and data fusion of remote sensing information
         Uncertainty and scale issues in remote sensing classification
         Model of remote sensing information and quantitative retrieval
         Remote sensing image processing, correction, enhancement, and information fusion
         Indicators, norms and standards of technologies for satellite remote sensing monitoring
         Interpretation technologies and algorithms of remote sensing data
         New remote sensing data and sensor technologies 

    Topic Ten: Technology integration and application of 3S     WebGIS, LBS, 3DGIS
         3S and E-government, E-commerce, intelligent communication, intelligent transportation
         3S and cloud computing
         Applications of 3S in city planning, land resources, agriculture and  forestry
         Applications of 3S in eco-environment (soil, air, water) monitoring and protection
         Applications of 3S technology in disaster monitoring, prevention,relief,mitigation
         Digital water, digital lake, digital watershed, digital Ocean, digital earth

    [此贴子已经被作者于2011-3-22 18:06:04编辑过]

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    主题:  【2011-4-10】湖泊-湿地-流域生态保护与3S技术国际学术研讨学术会议【EI期刊出版)】..(6899字) - norm01,2011年3月18日
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